Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My sweet baby cousin had is surgery today and this what he's going to be doing for the next couple of days.SLEEPING.He has 2 friendly furry animal doctors snuggy by his side. Made special for him at Build-a-Bear Workshop.
Whenever he is ready to see copany my mom and I will go to see him. I made him a special cardinals pillow, and since our printer doesn't print I went to some coloring pages websites and traced some for him. We brought him some cool jeeps to plays with and a boatload of books. I trace his favorite things,arch,fredbird,cars,stuff he'd like.


Megan said...

Landon will be so happy to see you in a few days. He's lucky to have such a great big cousin. :)

Lindsey said...

What a great cousin you are!